Smooth Skin Package – Achieve Faster Results with Combination Therapy Friday, Feb 8 2013 

Take Advantage of Combination Therapy to Achieve Faster Results in Fewer Visits

Aging is a natural process where we begin to notice differences in our skin due to our cells renewing more slowly. You may begin to notice those fine lines, sagging skin and a reduction in the fullness of your face. What contributes to these changes? Environmental factors including: pollution, sun exposure, and smoking all contribute. However, stress and simply celebrating another birthday can also bring about these alterations in the skin’s appearance and texture.

While individual procedures continue to make an impact on improving these effects, many experts are utilizing combination therapies to tackle the issues with greater impact and more impressive results.

What is combination therapy? This practice involves the application of multiple procedures and treatments that complement one another and when performed together, their partnership allows for quicker and more effective results by reaching further into the skin and attacking the problem with increased ferocity.


For example, many products and treatments are performed to treat one single issue such as those pesky fine lines, or a loss of fullness in the face. However, combination treatment will address both issues by combining Botox for fine lines and dermal fillers for increased fullness.

In an effort to help our clients receive optimal results in fewer visits and less time, New Visage is offering a Smooth Skin package this month. This incredible offer will showcase the benefits of combination therapy through the use of IPL Photo Rejuvenation, Pixel Fractional Resurfacing, and one light chemical peel. This blend of treatments will give you amazing results in a fraction of the time thanks to the partnership of these procedures.

For more information regarding the benefits of combination therapy, or to schedule a consultation with our  skin experts, please contact us at (252) 808-2639 or visit us online at

New Visage, Eastern NC’s premiere medspa, offers the latest in medical-quality skin care options and technology. New Visage is committed to providing the best and most comprehensive non-invasive esthetic services. We utilize state-of-the-art lasers and techniques to help you achieve the results you desire. Grow young gracefully with help from our experts at New Visage.

What is Ultherapy, and is it for me? Thursday, Jun 28 2012 

Have you stood in front of a mirror, pulled the sides of your face back and thought, “I’d look ten years younger if I just adjusted this a little?”

If so, you’re the ideal candidate for Ultherapy. Most women – and men – notice their face changing years before they need a facelift. In many instances, women feel the need for a gentle lift but fear going under the knife. What’s a girl to do? Ultherapy.

A new non-surgical, non-invasive procedure, Ultherapy “utilizes the safe, time-tested energy of ultrasound to stimulate the deep structural support layers of the skin—including those typically addressed in a surgical facelift—without disturbing the surface of the skin.”

New Visage owner and Ulthera specialist, Jen Beasley, has enhanced her knowledge through advanced certification in Arizona, and is now bringing that expertise back to eastern North Carolina. “I have upgraded to expand the treatment to three planes of depth in skin, as opposed to the typically two depths that are used.”

What does that mean to ladies? It means you can achieve amazing results without going under the knife! “This is not just a new piece of technology that we’ve added here at New Visage. It has changed and expanded the long term results we are able to provide on a non-surgical, aesthetic level. This treatment is for anyone looking to create a lift and tighten their skin without the downtime or associated risk with surgery.”

Technology has come a long way when you can enjoy the effects of a facelift and still go about your day after undergoing a brief 30-60 minute in-office procedure. Typically, patients only need one treatment to achieve the desired results, and will enjoy younger looking skin for years to come; though touch-ups may be needed depending upon each individual.

What exactly does this procedure entail?

“Unlike lasers, which penetrate the skin from the outside-in, Ultherapy bypasses the surface of the skin, specifically targeting the deep, structural skin tissues where collagen lives. Using ultrasound technology, Ultherapy actually works from the inside-out to lift and tighten skin non-invasively.”

Because of the nature of this procedure, patients can expect to see results over the course of 2-3 months, with continued results being seen over the next 6 months. However, some patients report seeing results almost immediately.

While Ultherapy is described as an “uplift,” and cannot completely serve as a replacement for a face lift, this procedure is ideal for those not yet ready for a face lift, or those who find themselves unnerved by the idea of going under the knife.

To sit down with our Ulthera specialist for a consultation, please contact New Visage at 252-808-2639 or

Skin Cancer Awareness Month – How to Prevent and Repair Sun Damage Thursday, May 17 2012 

As a coastal community, we find ourselves enjoying the outdoors more often than not. After all, when the average annual temperature on the Crystal Coast is 64 degrees, it’s difficult to fathom being anywhere else. However, with skin cancer on a steady increase – it’s now the most common form of cancer – it’s important to respect the sun we all enjoy soaking up.

May, National Skin Cancer Awareness Month, is a time to remind ourselves to take precautionary measures to prevent sun damage. The days are getting longer and the temperatures are leaving us longing for the beach, or our backyard oasis complete with a relaxing pool and a refreshing cocktail. However, it’s crucial to apply sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection, and an SPF 15 or higher. The Skin Cancer Foundation also advises staying out of the sun during the harshest hours of 10 am – 4 pm.

Bless Nicole Kidman, but very few people – including myself – can pull off the pale is better look. They don’t have a saying about tan fat looking better than pale fat for nothing, right? Most people do crave a sun-kissed look, but the days of spending hours in the sun, prematurely aging our skin and subjecting ourselves to deadly forms of skin cancer, is in the past.

While many still choose to put themselves at risk by utilizing tanning beds, with indoor tanners being 74% more likely to develop melanoma than those who’ve never tanned indoors, the smart individuals are turning to spray tans. With technology like the Flawless Fade™ by Pure Sunless, users are getting the desired bronze look instantly with a naturally fading tan occurring in 7-10 days. The only way people will know you aren’t tanning naturally is by your glowing youthful skin and your lack of wrinkles!

Unfortunately, for many, it is too late to avoid the consequences of our youth. However, thanks to the newest treatments, you can significantly improve the look of your skin with Photo Rejuvenation. This non-invasive procedure repairs brown spots, broken capillaries and other aesthetically unpleasing effects of sun damage using pulsed broadband light treatments. This procedure must be done more than once to see results; however, it is simple and requires zero down time. Those who said you can’t turn back time, never looked in the mirror after getting “rejuvenated.”

The truth is, today’s generation will be inundated with facts about the sun’s negative impact on the skin. Will they heed the advice of their parents or professionals? We can hope. For the rest of us, we will have to perform frequent skin checks, continue to use sunscreen, skip the tanning beds and educate our children, including those who think they’re invincible. In the meantime, there is certainly no need to live with pale skin dotted by brown spots from a time when we too believed ourselves to be indestructible.

Spider Veins: Non-Invasive treatment is for you! Tuesday, Mar 10 2009 

Are You a Candidate For Spider-Vein Therapy?

Spider-veins are small, bluish colored veins caused by dilation of the tiny vessels that sit near the skin’s surface. The laser light is designed to penetrate the skin, causing the veins to coagulate and within time is absorbed into the body. The treated veins gradually shrink and become less visible or disappear altogether. The sessions are minimally invasive with little to no pain. Multiple sessions are typically needed, usually 2 to 3 treatments every 4 to 6 months apart, but the number of treatments really depends on your body’s ability to heal. The treatments are $125 for the first 15 minutes and $75 for each additional 15 minutes needed on the same office visit.

So why keep hiding those gorgeous legs? Laser treatment for spider veins is effective and can be done today!

Liquid Facelift Thursday, Feb 19 2009 

Mirror, mirror on the wall

I’m beginning to look like my Mother after all


As much as we love our mothers, most of us are not quite ready to look like them yet. If we could, we would all stay young looking forever. And for most of us going under the knife is too scary. We live in great time period where we can have the fabulous results of a facelift without the discomforts and down-time of surgery. A Liquid Facelift may be the answer for you.

Liquid Facelift is a great non-invasive procedure to help take years off. By refining lines and wrinkles, evening out your complexion and over-all tone and texture of the skin. The treatments are done over a 3 to 4 week period depending on the package chosen. Packages range from $800 to $2150.

 Treatments may include:

• Botox® – diminishes the appearance of lines and wrinkles

• Dermal Fillers –adds volume to the face(cheeks, lips, and lines around the mouth)

• Skin Tightening – tightens, tones, and improves overall the texture of the skin

• Photorejuvenation – improves dull complexion, minimizes age spots, and redness

• Pixel Resurfacing – stimulates healthy tissue in place of skin imperfections

• Chemical Peel – exfoliates to restore a youthful healthy glow

 Is a Liquid Facelift right for you? It is, if you want to look more refreshed, energetic, and have that healthy youthful glow back in your skin. And have everyone be jealous of how fabulous you look and don’t know why. Who doesn’t want that? These procedures and treatments are more subtle than plastic surgery. This is all done by restoring the natural contours and volume to your face and with little to no down time unlike a facelift. And within a matter of minutes for some procedures the results are seen immediately.

Call today and see which Liquid Facelift package is right for you.

New Visage

New Visage, Eastern North Carolina’s premiere medspa and skin care center, is committed to providing the best and most comprehensive non-invasive esthetic services.  We utilize state of the art lasers and technology to help you achieve the results you desire.  New Visage is directed by Dr. William Hall,  MD, FACS and employs a medical staff to attend to all of your skin care needs.

Are Injectables for Me? Tuesday, Jan 27 2009 

Why not try it…..

Everyone else is doing it…..


Just because you may have earned every one of your expression lines, doesn’t mean you have to show them anymore.


Women everywhere are starting to see that nonsurgical procedures such as Botox® and Dermal fillers are not just for the rich and famous anymore. Everyday women like you and I are looking younger, more refreshed and more beautiful than ever. Come in today to see how Botox and dermal fillers can work for you.


BOTOX Cosmetics® is a simple and safe procedure and is FDA approved.  With a few tiny injections you will see a noticeable difference that can smooth moderate to severe lines in the forehead and crow’s feet area.


Cosmetic dermal fillers help to restore volume and fullness to the skin to correct facial wrinkles and folds. Results are immediate and can last anywhere from 4 to 18 months depending on the product used. Prices range from $500 to $650 a syringe. We offer 20% off any 2nd syringe used on the same visit.

For more information and great B&A pictures visit:


Call today and schedule a consultation with Paula King, NP about helping you get that natural, youthful, beautiful look back.

 Jen Beasley

New Visage Laser Skin Care




New Visage, Eastern North Carolina’s premiere medspa and skin care center, is committed to providing the best and most comprehensive non-invasive esthetic services.  We utilize state of the art lasers and technology to help you achieve the results you desire.  New Visage is directed by Dr. William Hall,  MD, FACS and employs a medical staff to attend to all of your skin care needs. Contact Jen today and schedule your complimentary consultation .

Adult Acne….Why ME, Why NOW?!?!? Tuesday, Jan 13 2009 

Adult Acne
Why me? Why now?
You’re not alone. One in five women from their mid 20’s to 40’s, suffers from adult acne. There are various causes of adult acne: stress, imbalanced hormones, oil based cosmetics to name a few.
• Stress causes your sebaceous oil glands to be over worked.
• Oil based cosmetics can lead to clogged pores.
• Hormonal imbalance: can cause the oil glands to overact.

Treatment options
Depending on the severity of your acne there are several treatments to help improve the skin.
Appropriate skin care for your skin type, mineral based makeup, and laser treatments are available to alleviate acne condtions.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is an excellent way to get on the road to beautiful healthy skin. PDT is a medical-grade chemical peel that uses a photosensitizing drug called Levulan in conjunction with IPL laser and Blue Light to help Treat Acne by shrinking the sebaceous oil glands; it lessens the appearance of large pores and helps to minimize superficial acne scars. As an added benefit, PDT will help reduce sun damage or blotchy age spots, fine lines and wrinkles and remove actinic keratoses (AK’s) or precancerous cells. Each session is $950 and includes your pre and post peel product kits.

So then ask yourself again: Why not me? Why not now? And get started today.

Call today or stop in today schedule your free consultation on letting New Visage get you on the road to beautiful healthy skin.

Jen Beasley

New Visage Laser Skin Care



New Visage, Eastern North Carolina’s premiere medspa and skin care center, is committed to providing the best and most comprehensive non-invasive esthetic services.  We utilize state of the art lasers and technology to help you achieve the results you desire.  New Visage is directed by Dr. William Hall,  MD, FACS and employs a medical staff to attend to all of your skin care needs. Contact Jen today and schedule your complimentary consultation .


What is Radiofrequency and WHY does it work on cellulite?? Monday, Dec 29 2008 

Radiofrequency waves are applied to the treatment area and therapeutic heat is generated in various layers of the dermis. Raising the body’s temperature to a therapeutic level causes collagen growth to be stimulated, thusly remodeling the area by tightening lax skin and smoothing out the dimpled area.

New Visage uses Alma’s Accent XL Radiofrequency machine. This breakthrough technology combines two handpieces that deliver the radiofrequency energy on two different layers of the dermis. Basically, the Bipolar module focuses on the surface layer of the skin, while the Unipolar module penetrates further for deep dermal thermotherapy. The Bipolar treatment is well suited for areas where the skin is thinner and more delicate, such as the face, helping to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. The Unipolar treatment generates alternating electromagnetic fields that cause friction and heating in the deeper tissues, which leads to improvements in overall shaping and firmness. Taken together, these dual-layer treatments can create dramatic change without the need for invasive surgery.

These treatments are effective on any area of the body that needs cellulite reduction or skin tightening. Phenomenal results can be achieved on more delicate areas such as the face and neck. Click on the following links for more information:

Accent Radiofrequency treatments are non-invasive and feel like a warm massage of the area being treated. Treatments should be spaced out 3 weeks apart….noticeable changes can be seen in as few as 3 treatments. Packages consist of 6 treatments. A typical treatments runs $350 for an hour or $1750 for the series of 6. This month (January only), New Visage is offering 30% off all Accent packages. Now is the time to get started with body shaping and reducing cellulite! Please contact New Visage for more information. 252-808-2639 or email Jen (at to set up your consultation.

Accent Before and After

Accent Before and After

Jen Beasley, Aesthetic Laser Technician
Owner of New Visage

New Visage

New Visage, Eastern North Carolina’s premiere medspa and skin care center, is committed to providing the best and most comprehensive non-invasive esthetic services. We utilize state of the art lasers and technology to help you achieve the results you desire. New Visage is directed by Dr. William Hall, MD, FACS and employs a medical staff to attend to all of your skin care needs. Contact Jen today and schedule your complimentary consultation .

Got Winter Skin? Monday, Dec 15 2008 

Got winter skin?
The winter months are here and our skin pays for it, with a dry, rough texture and always thirsting for more moisture. Dry air and constantly changing temperatures wreak havoc on our skin. Winter skin can look dull and dry and need special attention during these harsh months. Humidifiers can be used at night to put moisture back into the air and our skin. Night time is the perfect time to heavily moisturize the skin and really give meaning to the term beauty rest. Look for creams containing glycolic acid or linoleic acid. These ingredients will gently exfoliate while promoting moisture retention in our skin. This is also the perfect time to treat yourself, to an anti-aging or European moisturizing facial. These treatments gently exfoliate away the dry flaky skin caused by the cold winter days. It will give your skin back the nutrients that are needed and that dewy healthy glow you once had. This also the perfect time of year to take care of the sun damage that has been done to our skin over the years. IPL (intense pulsed light) treatment is a perfect non-invasive treatment with little to no downtime to reduce sun damage and broken capillaries. It will increase the clarity of your skin, stimulate collagen production, and give you a glow that will have everyone raving at those holiday parties. And it is always important to remember that even though the rays of the sun may not feel as strong, they are still causing damage to our skin. Sunblock is needed to protect our skin as these rays are still causing free radical damage which breaks down collagen and creates pre-cancerous cells. Correct, protect, and moisturize this winter and always drink plenty of fluids! Your skin will thank you!!

Jen Beasley, Aesthetic Laser Technician
Owner of New Visage

New Visage

New Visage, Eastern North Carolina’s premiere medspa and skin care center, is committed to providing the best and most comprehensive non-invasive esthetic services. We utilize state of the art lasers and technology to help you achieve the results you desire. New Visage is directed by Dr. William Hall, MD, FACS and employs a medical staff to attend to all of your skin care needs. Contact Jen today and schedule your complimentary consultation .